Trichos solutions for unwanted hair growth

Trichos solutions for unwanted hair growth

When you have excess & unwanted hair growth all over your body or parts of your body, it is time to suspect Hirsutism – a rare disease that affects women that Trichos hair transplant clinic provides an effective cure.

Unlike treatment for hair loss in female, Hirsutism offers a problem of aplenty for patients due to unwanted hair growth on their face, chest and back.

Trichos hair transplant centre has expertise in handling complex hair growth problems thrown up by Hirsutism through our advanced laser removal technologies.

Cause & Symptoms

Being a rare condition, the treatment of Hirsutism can get delayed if one does not understand its symptoms and the factors that trigger the disease.

There is a hormone link to Hirsutism as one witnesses excess production of male androgen hormone in the patient. This peculiar problem also surfaces due to the heredity factor.

When it comes to symptoms, patients with Hirsutism induced unwanted hair growth may notice their hair turning thick & dark in texture. This is apart from excessive hair growth on parts of their body.

The other symptoms that women could take note could be changes in their menstrual cycle besides the appearance of masculine characteristics such as deeper tone in their voice, breast reduction and muscle growth.

Hirsutism Treatment

We at Trichos hair transplant centre ensure patients get the best hair transplant in Hyderabad including Hirsutism treatment for this condition by making available state-of-the-art technology including laser hair removal treatment system.

Since Hirsutism is triggered by hormonal changes, Trichos offers medicine to bring about balance by controlling release in androgen & estrogen levels.

Book an appointment for expert guidance

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              Disclaimer: While hair transplants are generally safe and effective, as with any medical procedure, there can be minimal and temporary side effects based on specific or underlying medical condition of the individual patient. Please consult in person with our qualified medical team at Trichos for a thorough assessment of your specific condition and individualized guidance on the potential risks and benefits associated with our hair restoration treatments.

              Learn more about Medical Consent for Surgeries.