Does Hair Transplant Results Stay Permanent or Temporary?

This is a common misconception that once a hair transplant procedure is done the results may not stay permanent. Other common misconceptions that are prevalent include the longevity of the transplanted hair: how long do they survive or do they remain strong at all or will they fall again?

Does the transplanted hair initially stay and appear good and then fall? Which is true? 

In this educational video, Dr John Watts – a noted dermatologist, trichologist and hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad – demystifies all these misconceptions for the benefit of his followers. He has successfully performed over 1900+ hair transplant procedures so far.


In his introductory note, Dr John Watts tells the viewers that the science of hair transplant procedure is about 100 years old. “We are now in an advanced phase of hair transplant science,” informed Dr John.

The key point to understand is that when permanently growing non-DHT influenced donor hair grafts are extracted and implanted the results would be real, natural and permanent.

“It is also true that in the first 15-20 days of hair transplant, the transplanted hair would fall. In their place, new hair would start growing after 2-3 months,” informed Dr John Watts.

The life cycle of Hair:

The other important point that Dr John highlighted was about knowing the average life cycle of hair for more clarity. “The human hair normally has an average life cycle of 2-8 years. After that, new hair again starts growing in their place and it is repeated,” he said.

DHT Vs non-DHT donor hair:

The third concept that Dr John highlighted was about knowing the difference between DHT influenced and non-DHT influenced hair growing on our scalp. 

In general, the DHT influenced hair pave the way for baldness eventually. “The hair growing on the front of the scalp, top and crown are generally DHT influenced and are not considered safe donor hair for hair transplant,” informed Dr John Watts.

This explains why a hair transplant patient aged about 30 years may likely have the same bald attributes as his father aged 50 years with a lookalike receding hairline and baldness on the front or crown due to heredity factor.

“If someone who had undergone a hair transplant with donor hair extracted from unsafe donor area or DHT influenced zone, the hair transplant results would be poor or minimal,” he explained.

He tells the viewers that they can solve the problem by ensuring they choose the right hair expert for their hair transplant procedure as one needs to get hair grafts extracted from a safe/non-DHT influenced donor region. 


There is, however, a catch. Even if someone had got hair grafts from a safe donor area, hair transplant results might still be affected if certain conditions are not followed by the patients.

“It is essential that the hair transplant patient sticks to a healthy and nutritionally rich diet recommended by his doctor after a transplant and follows other advisories without fail,” advised Dr John, while urging viewers to share the video for awareness.

Trichos provides state-of-the-art treatment for various hair loss conditions and offers advanced hair transplant solutions. Call us Today for a Life-Changing Experience.

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              Disclaimer: While hair transplants are generally safe and effective, as with any medical procedure, there can be minimal and temporary side effects based on specific or underlying medical condition of the individual patient. Please consult in person with our qualified medical team at Trichos for a thorough assessment of your specific condition and individualized guidance on the potential risks and benefits associated with our hair restoration treatments.

              Learn more about Medical Consent for Surgeries.