Unshaven Vs Flap Vs FUE Hair Transplant

Is an unshaven hair transplant more advanced than a flap hair transplant? Are unshaven and flap hair transplant procedures produce better hair transplant results than FUE? How one is different from another? 

These are some common queries hair transplant patients often raise and over time, some may even develop the wrong notion about one hair transplant procedure without knowing all the scientific facts.

In this educational video, noted dermatologist & trichologist and one of the Best Hair Transplant Surgeons in Hyderabad Dr John Watts – who has performed over 1900+ hair transplants – sheds light on these three different procedures and explains how one is different from another.

Unshaven Hair Transplant:

Usually, before the hair transplant procedure using the FUE technique, the hair is zero trimmed and completely shaven for extraction of donor hair and implantation of hair grafts on the recipient region.

However, in the unshaven hair transplant technique, the entire scalp does not need to be shaven. “Suppose, if the hair transplant has to be performed on the front of the scalp, we selectively extract the hair from the donor hair and implant it without shaving the head,” explains Dr John Watts.

The reason why some patients may insist on this technique is to maintain secrecy as they do not want anyone to know that they have undergone a hair transplant procedure.

Flap Hair Transplant:

In this hair transplant technique, a flap measuring 2 cm to 4 cm from the back or side of the scalp is selected for the extraction of donor hair. This area is shaved for extraction of hair grafts, which are then transplanted into the recipient area. 

The advantage of this technique is that the entire scalp does not need to be shaven for the hair transplant. Flap hair transplant technique provides perfect cover as the longer unshaven hair can easily hide the hair from the donor area without letting anyone see it.

FUE Hair Transplant:

This is the normal technique of hair transplant that is mostly preferred. In FUE, there is zero trim and the head is shaven for extraction of hair grafts before they are transplanted into the recipient region.

Which is the Advanced Version?

This is the question that most might be having but Dr John Watts says that the first two procedures cannot be considered more advanced than FUE. “It is also wrong to say that transplanted hair has better survival rates in Flap hair transplant or Unshaven hair transplant techniques,” he explains.

In fact, Dr John Watts advises patients against opting for a Flap hair transplant or Unshaven hair transplant as they have more disadvantages than advantages when compared to the FUE technique.

“There is the possibility of dislodging hair grafts in Flap and Unshaven hair transplant techniques as combing and cleaning process as part of the maintenance of the existing hair can dislodge the transplanted hair grafts,” he warns.

In this concluding note, Dr John Watts tells viewers that one should not compromise on better hair transplant results by preferring less standard techniques. 

“Some consultants may claim that they can ensure the fact that one has undergone a hair transplant is hidden. But this is not possible even for those who had opted for Flap or Unshaven hair transplant procedures. They cannot hide the fact either from those who closely watch them for the first 20-30 days of the transplant procedure,” informed Dr John.

In such a scenario, he stresses that it is impractical to insist on a Flap or Unshaven Hair transplant instead of FUE. 

“If one has more doubts, it is better to have a detailed discussion with one’s hair transplant surgeon for more clarification,” he said, urging the viewers to share the video among their friends for awareness.

We at Trichos provide premium hair transplant services in Hyderabad. Reach us for more information!

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              Disclaimer: While hair transplants are generally safe and effective, as with any medical procedure, there can be minimal and temporary side effects based on specific or underlying medical condition of the individual patient. Please consult in person with our qualified medical team at Trichos for a thorough assessment of your specific condition and individualized guidance on the potential risks and benefits associated with our hair restoration treatments.

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